life, Trail Running

Why are you doing it, then?

"Will you win?" This was the question my 7 year old niece asked when I told her about an upcoming race. Upon answering with a definitive "no", she inquired further, "why are you doing it, then?" Why, indeed. I do it for emotional stability, physical health, to connect with nature, to work towards a goal,… Continue reading Why are you doing it, then?

yellow aspens, fall leaves, colorado trail, kenosha pass, fall colors, blue sky
Trail Running

Do you have any races coming up?

I'm not ready because I wore my body down little by little with every race after which I did not allow space for recovery. I'm not ready because I refused to miss an opportunity to take advantage of the warm, beautiful weather. I'm not ready because I never go to bed early enough for the 3:30 am wake up calls, and the sleep deprivation is compounding. I am not ready because I am depleted. Every run seems to feel more fatigued than the last, to the detriment of my attitude, my enjoyment and the quality of my company for those I run with. I am tired of feeling slow and weak. I am tired of tripping and falling on the trail. The only way to correct these things is not to push harder, but to pull back.

ultramarathon, trail runner, mount hood, trail running, ultrarunning, pacific crest trail, pct, endurance running
Trail Running

That time I ran 50 miles

So – what happens after mile 30? Does a secret door open up to a magical universe where fairies ride on the tips of unicorn horns, the secrets of life whispering forth from the flap, flap, flap of their wings? Nope. It was pretty much just more running and more pain and more joy.

muddy trail, quad rock, trail race, trail running, ultra running, misty, foggy trail
Trail Running

and the password is…. Mud

As I saw Nikki Kimball running towards me, I had a surreal moment. In the split second that felt like minutes, I at once saw the progress I'd made both physically and mentally over the last three years and it hit me that I was running and running well on the same course as the person who inspired this pastime of mine.

mountains, vistas, woman on mountain, trail runner, trail running, hiking, hiker, colorado, boulder
life, Trail Running

Making strides

Currently, I'm staring down the race schedule that somehow snuck up on me in the midst of all this. I never did get on a specific training plan, but for the last couple of months I've averaged 160 mi // 35,000' gainz, so I haven't been grossly neglecting the miles or the vert - just the speed-work and hill repeats that are critical to a solid performance. smh

boulder, colorado, mountains, sun, solar flare, trails, hiking, trail running
life, Trail Running

Craving leads to suffering, suffering leads to craving pizza

In this era of vision boards and manifesting our desires, how is it different to 'create the life that I want' versus being attached to outcome? I once felt I had a handle on this concept, but as I contemplate it now, it seems to me it's a matter of how much control one has over the outcome that dictates how much suffering attachment creates.

winter trail, snowy trail, winter, snowy forest, snowy trees,
life, Trail Running

I went to the dark recesses of my mind and all I got was this stupid blog post.

I "used to" have this superstition that if I acknowledged an area of my life that was going well or that I was excited about something, I would jinx it and it would all fall apart. I think I still feel that way to a degree. I keep the things that excite me to myself...