trail runner, running, finish line, trail race, ultramarathon, ultrarunning, colorado,
Trail Running

Dirty 30 part one – personal lessons from my first ultra

Right around mile 22 is when things started to go south. I was grinding up a hill, seemingly on the path to Mordor based on the heat and the terrain, when I encountered a hiker. Two runners who kept passing me, sitting to rest until I passed them, only to pass me again, were coming up to pass me for perhaps the 37th time.

thunderstorm, summer, ominous sky, clouds, sunshine, boulder, colorado

Re-calibration and redemption

While my unconscious has been busy processing all the disruption in my life, my ego went hog wild, partying and breaking valuables. It's not all that surprising, but while I was in it, I just knew I was miserable and couldn't figure out how to get out of it. That's when I remembered. I have a say in the matter.